Data Warehouse Market Share

Data Warehouse Market Share, Market Size and Industry Growth Drivers, 2015 - 2021

About Data Warehouses

A Data Warehouse is a system used by organizations to create reports and perform data analysis. Unlike a single Database, Data Warehouses pull data from many different sources. With the help of complex queries, all this data is studied and then reports are created to help with business decisions. Thus, Data Warehouses are considered a core component of modern business intelligence. Problems solved with Data Warehouses are usually high-level, like predicting customer churn based on old sales data or forecasting demand and sales for the next quarter. Because of their relatively high cost, Data Warehouses are better suited for enterprises. Data Warehouse Market Share is heavily concentrated in North America and Europe. You can find Data Warehouse Market Share, Data Warehouse Market Size, and other trends and statistics below and you can learn more about T4's strategy consulting services here.

Data Warehouse Market Size, 2015 - 2021, Revenue

Data Warehouse Market Size

The chart shows the Data Warehouse Market Size from 2015 to 2021. In 2019, the size of the Data Warehouse Industry was $22B and is projected to grow 8% in 2020. From 2015 to 2021 the Data Warehouse Industry growth is projected to average 9% per year. These estimates were made before the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The short term impact of COVID-19 on the Data Warehouse market growth will likely be High because companies are halting new IT spend. The long term impact of COVID-19 on the Data Warehouse market growth beyond the COVID-19 pandemic will likely be Medium because businesses will become more distributed and there will be an increased need to process data from multiple sources. Request help with obtaining the source for this data and learn more about T4's strategy consulting services here.

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Data Warehouse Market Share, 2017, Revenue
Data Warehouse Market Share

The chart shows Data Warehouse Market Share in 2017. The Data Warehouse Market is highly concentrated among a few regions. The leading region in the Data Warehouse Industry was North America with 48% market share in 2017, followed by Europe with 30.7% Data Warehouse market share, APAC with 15.7% market share, MENA with 3.6%, South America with 2.2%. Get help with market research for the Data Warehouse market, including the source for this Data Warehouse Market Share chart and learn more about T4's strategy consulting services here.

Data Warehouse Industry Growth Drivers

Data Warehouses are one of the most important tools in effective decision making for enterprises. Growth is driven by an increasing need for dedicated storage systems for growing volumes of data, as well as a need for low-latency, real-time view and analytics for big data. Enterprises are, by nature, highly diverse in their IT infrastructure, and a dedicated place to process data from many heterogeneous sources is required for smoother and more effective operations. The global trend of digitization is going nowhere anytime soon, and as long as enterprises work with Big Data the market of Data Warehouses will continue seeing substantial growth.

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Data Warehouse Industry Developments and Regions

Data Warehouse is a Growing market highly concentrated in a few regions. North America Data Warehouse market share was 47.8% in 2017. North America dominates the Data Warehouse market due to its early adoption of the technology and a continuous generation of high volumes of data. Europe Data Warehouse market share was 30.7% in 2017. Market activity in Europe is driven by the presence of many major players and strong regulation and compliance policies. APAC market share was 15.7% in 2017. Asia-Pacific is expected to witness rapid growth due to the increasing number of data centers and the wide-scale adoption of cloud technologies. MENA market share was 3.6% in 2017. Growth in the MENA regions is hampered due to the high cost of building Data Warehousing solutions. They are better fit for enterprises, rather than small and mid-size businesses. South America market share was 2.2% in 2017. The market in South America is in a position similar to that of MENA.

What Additional Data Warehouse Market Data Does T4 Have?

T4's research team can help you learn more about the Data Warehouse industry with market analysis, competitive analysis, commercial Due Diligence, and other market research needs. This includes deeper analysis on regions in the Data Warehouse market, including: North America, Europe, and APAC; research into related topics such as Data Centers, Enterprise Software, and Servers; or additional support in the Information Technology Sector or other Sectors. Learn more about T4's strategy consulting services here.