Commercial Due Diligence

Make your next informed investment decision with our comprehensive due diligence services

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What We Do

At T4, we provide comprehensive commercial due diligence services to help our clients make informed investment decisions. We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all approach and work closely with our clients to develop a customized approach that meets their specific needs. Our team of experts conducts extensive research to provide our clients with insights into the target company's market, competitive landscape, and growth opportunities. We ensure that our findings are actionable and lead to value creation and growth.

Why T4?

We believe every company should have access to the same strategy expertise and support that large firms like Bain, BCG, and McKinsey provide. Our team consists of former consultants from some of these firms, and we remain passionate about bringing data-driven, actionable recommendations to our clients. We specialize in primary and secondary market research-based strategy consulting, and ensure our insights come from a multitude of data sources: industry expert interviews, surveys, traditional third party research, and alternative data sources.

Who We Work With


  • Advising corporate development, strategy, product, innovation, and marketing teams

Private Equity

  • Supporting lower and middle market investors in CDD, market mapping, and M&A screeners


  • Technology
  • Industrials
  • Retail/E-Commerce/Consumer
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Real Estate
  • Government
  • Entertainment
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Common Questions: Market Context

Common Questions: Market Context

Our analysis of the target company's market context focuses on questions such as:

  • What is the size of the addressable market?
  • What is the target company's market share?
  • What are the market dynamics in the target company's industry?
  • What are the growth opportunities and challenges in the market?
Common Questions: Customer Perception
Common Questions: Customer Perception

Our analysis of the target company's customer perception focuses on questions such as:

  • How does the target company's brand perception compare to its competitors?
  • What is the target company's customer satisfaction level?
  • What is the target company's Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
  • What are the target company's strengths and weaknesses in terms of customer perception?
Common Questions: Competitive Landscape
Common Questions: Competitive Analysis

Our analysis of the target company's competitive landscape focuses on questions such as:

  • Who are the target company's main competitors?
  • What is the target company's competitive advantage?
  • What is the competitive landscape in terms of pricing and product offerings?
  • What are the potential competitive threats and opportunities?
Customer Case Study

T4 conducted a due diligence and multiple post-acquisition projects for a Private Equity firm acquiring a Restaurant Technology Co. T4 identified three priority initiatives for the first 100 days. Following the acquisition, T4 completed a multi-year European market entry, pricing benchmarking, growth strategy, and bolt-on due diligence.


At T4, we take a comprehensive and data-driven approach to commercial due diligence. Our methodology involves extensive primary and secondary research, as well as targeted surveys.

  1. Expert & Customer Interviews

Most T4 projects involve 10-30 industry interviews that allow us to conduct in-depth analysis and make well-informed recommendations, even if industries have little to no existing research or data.

  1. Surveys

In addition to primary research, T4 conducts B2B and B2C surveys including survey design, launch, and analysis. Analysis includes advanced analytics in support of market sizing, customer discovery, segmentation, and Go-to-Market strategy.

  1. Secondary Market Research

T4 subscribes to a variety of third-party research resources, utilizes traditional and alternative data tools, and has an embedded knowledge platform that enables T4 to provide unique insights.

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